Monday, December 20, 2010

Another Chinese Communist Supremo Madame Liu in Town

Posted on Fiji Times - Tuesday, December 21, 2010

CHINA'S most powerful female politician Madame Liu Yandong flew into the country yesterday for talks with high-ranking local government officials.
She is accompanied by four vice-ministers from the Chinese Government.

The meeting is currently being held at Shangri-La's Fijian Resort and Spa in Cuvu near Sigatoka.

It is reported that the meeting with the Chinese officials is to discuss matters of interest between the two countries.

Madame Liu is a native of Nantong Jiangsu and a graduate of Tsinghua University.

She is the highest ranking female politician in the Communist Party of China and the only woman with a seat in the Politburo.
by Felix Chaudhary

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Some interesting points about Fiji's 2014 President

Posted on fijitoday on December 18, 2010

Fijitoday has reported receiving information about a proposal presently being promoted by the Military Council. The proposal is set out below and is a eal worry for Fiji's democratic future as it attempts to vest absolute power in the hands of a president and not the people, through their elected reps sitting in the parliament of Fiji. It must be opposed by all freedom loving Fijians.

1.The new constitution will give the President a veto over all legislation including budget and supply.

2.The President will be appointed for a term of ten years.

3.The President will be the titular head of the RFMF and be able to direct the Commander RFMF.

4.The President will be able to impeach and remove any MP including the Prime Minister for actions he deems not in the best interests of the Republic of Fiji.

5.The President will be able to call an election if he deems the administration is unable to adequately govern.

6.The President will have lifetime immunity from legal prosecution.

7.The Initial President will be appointed by the outgoing administration to maintain stability over the first ten years.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fiji Facing Escalating Risk from Government Debt: ADB

Posted on Radio New Zealand International

Fiji Public Debt

ADB says Fiji economy trapped on low growth path

The Asian Development Bank says Fiji is trapped on a low growth path despite an overall economic benefit to the Pacific region from a gradual global recovery and firm finances in Australia.

The latest data published in the Pacific Economic Monitor says increasing private investment could help Fiji but it suggests business people are wary.

The report says the private sector views several recent government actions in a negative light, including the localisation of media ownership by media decree, price controls and actions in relation to Fiji Water.

A senior country specialist for the ADB in Suva, Emma Veve, says the bank is not approving grants or loans for new activities to Fiji for the time being.

She says Fiji continues to spend more than it earns.

“So there’s some real need for structural reform within Fiji to address the issues the sugar industry are facing, to look at what the right size of government is and to address the civil service issues. As well as to look at state-owned enterprise reform and to continue on with that. So these are all things that Fiji really does need to urgently focus on.”

Emma Veve says the government has indicated it will be trying to reduce debt levels in the coming year and bringing in more revenue by increasing value added tax to 15 per cent from early January.

Posted on Pacific Beat Radio Australia - December 16, 2010

The Asian Development Bank has issued a stark warning about the state of Fiji's economy, with a claim that mounting government debt is propelling the country into dangerous waters.

The latest edition of the bank's Pacific Economic Monitor reveals both Tonga and Fiji have debt problems.

In Tonga it says government debt has risen from 32 per cent of Gross Domestic Product to 41 per cent since last year, taking it beyond the crucial 40 per cent level, which is regarded as bearable.

But in Fiji, ADB Economist Emma Veve government says

 Fiji debt has climbed to 57 per cent of GDP.

Presenter: Jemima Garrett

Speaker: Emma Veve, senior country specialist, Asian Development Bank.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Decree being adjusted to give more power to Gates in absence of President

Posted on Coup Four Point Five -13 December 2010 

A source inside the military claims the illegal attorney general is amending the Executive Authority of Fiji (Amendment ) Decree 2009 to give the illegal Chief Justice, Anthony Gates more power. 
Coupfourpointfive can't independently verify the information other than to say it has come from an intellingence source, who claims the amendment is aimed at empowering Gates in the absence of the illegal President, Epeli Nailatikau. The suggestion is that Gates will replace Nailatikau.

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    Sunday, December 12, 2010

    Has Bainimarama Headed back to China for More Treatment?

    posted on coup four point five - 12 DECEMBER, 2010

    Word on the ground is that the self-appointed leader Frank Bainimarama has returned to China.
    Coupfourpointfive has been told Baini was seen being taken to the airport on Friday morning and that he later boarded Korean Airlines for China, presumably for medical treatment.
    We can't verify this information independently at this time and can only say that two sources have told us this is what has happened.
    Baini's recent visit to China and state of health remains controversial. The regime insists the dictator was bolstering trade but we believe he was seeking medical treatment for a stroke. We have subsequently been told he has cancer like symptoms in his neck.
    The illness of any 'leader' is a sensitive issue at the best of times but in the case of an illegally appointed military government, as in Fiji, the failing health of its El Supremo is a death knell.
    Huge rifts (not to mention a planned protest march) have split the hierarchy, so conjecture (and ultimately confirmation) about his illness leaves him vulnerable.
    Suffice to say, we are unlikely to hear 'officially' if Bainimarama has headed to China for a second time in less than a month. As with many things today, the nation will be left guessing and relying on the coconut wireless about something they should know as of a right.
    Picture: Dictator Baini in the pic that is giving weight to claims he has had a stroke.

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      Thursday, December 9, 2010

      March to Free Fiji to Go on as Illegal Fiji PM is Running Scared



      The cancellation of all permits for any type of March by Fiji Police force does not change the fact that we the ordinary men and women of Fiji want to voice our concern with the President of Fiji.

      We will March tomorrow in force and let the government know that we mean business and will not be deprived of our rights to be heard by the President. To all ordinary men and women of Fiji – the cancellation only depicts that Frank Bainimarama’s government is very afraid and wishes to cling on to power by removing the only legal authority our President.

      Do not be afraid, do not panic and come forth as whole: assemble at Sukuna Park and let us march. The courage of each one of us is more than the more of security forces who will lay down their weapons tomorrow and join us for the betterment of this nation.

      Frank Bainimarama you and Aiyaz have oppressed our country for long and by existing peacefully is your only option. The people have spoken and will be no longer oppressed by your decrees and continuation to harass the civil servants.

      He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.

      He shall cover you with His feather, and under His wings you shall take refugee; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

      A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your habitation, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; for He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.

      They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample. Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.”

      (Psalm 91:1-16)

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        Scared Dictator Cancels Marches to Oust Him

        Cancelled marches, just a precaution: Scared Bainimarama

        FBC News - December 09, 2010

        Illegal Prime Minister, Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama says tomorrow’s cancellation of public marches around the country is just a precautionary measure.

        Speaking with FBC News, Bainimarama says the US embassy has warned all its citizens in Fiji to refrain from taking part in public marches around the country tomorrow.

        Bainimarama says following the warning issued by the US embassy, a precautionary measure has been taken to cancel all public marches.
        Earlier, the Fiji Police Force said all permits had been cancelled, meaning all public marches around the country had to be called off.

        The Fiji Women’s Rights Movement were due to have a march through Suva tomorrow to mark the culmination of the 16 days of activism against violence against women.

        Tomorrow also marks World Human Rights Day with marches organised around the country.
        But word from police is no marches will take place tomorrow, even for those who were earlier granted a permit.

        Report by : Dev Sachindra; Roland Koroi

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