Friday, December 3, 2010

Protest Marches Against Fiji's Illegal Regime Planned

Posted on Coup Four Point Five - 03 December 2010

FDFM: 'Regime does not have resources to arrest and detail 10 or 20 thousand people'

Australia's Democracy Movement is citing the military blow-out as a major example of why the self-appointed Bainimarama government cannot continue to run Fiji.

In an email promoting the Save Fiji Movement march at Sukuna Park in Suva next Friday, the Sydney-based group says the military will have busted its annual budget by $700,000,000 if it's allowed to continue until 2014.

Quoting the work of Dr Nadan Warsey of the University of the South Pacific, it says his calculations reveal the huge cost the country is paying for military rule.

"That is $700 million for unproductive periodically coup conducting soldiers. Which means $700 million less for education, health, social welfare, poverty alleviation, and national infrastructure development – not to mention the enormous damage done to the national economy."

Two protest marches are now planned in the next two weeks for people to rally against the self-appointed government of Bainimarama.

The first is in Sydney and planned for this Sunday (December 5) to co-incide with the fourth anniversary of Bainimarama's December 6 coup.

The second is scheduled for next Friday (December 10), noon at Sukuna Park in Suva.

The email from FDFM urges people to spread the news about the marches and to attend: "....Come let us all march together in Suva on Friday, 10th of December. Remember the regime do not have the resources to arrest and detail 10 or 20 thousand people."

Second march in Sydney aimed at ousting Baini announced

A second march aimed at showing the discontent of Fiji people against the self-appointed military government has been announced this morning.

The march is being organised by the Fiji Democracy and Freedom Movement in Australia and is scheduled for this Sunday (December the 5th) in Sydney to coincide with the fourth anniversary of the December 6 coup.

Yesterday, a frontman for Save Fiji Movement revealed the group is organising a march for next Friday in Suva, aimed at delivering a petition to the illegally appointed president, Epeli Nailatikau, urging him to dismantle the Bainimarama regime.

In a statement, the Fiji Democracy Movement says it wants members of the public who are concerned about what is happening in Fiji to join the Fijian Community in the protest march.

It says the people of Fiji are fed up with the lies and failure of Commodore Bainimarama and his illegal government.

Quote:..."Given that he has lost most of his supporters since 2006, Commodore Bainimarama should do the honourable thing and hand the power over to a civilian caretaker government that will take the nation to general election."

The freedom movement says since 2006 lives have been lost and thousands have been beaten by security forces. "Basic human rights has been removed and given the gagged media since April last year, people have been suffering in silence."

The statement goes on to say: "The illegal regime’s report card, after four years, does not reveal any hope that they are capable of governing. According to a report by Professor Wadan Narsey of the University of the South Pacific this week, since December 2006:

a) investment level has dropped 15%
b) National savings has also dropped dramatically
c) There has been negative economic growth every year since 2007
d) They have aimed to reign in fiscal debt and public debt but, as a matter of fact, they have been increasing it consistently with military budget blow outs and increases in national budget allocations since 2007
e) The Military has again received the lions shares proposed for next year’s budget with a further $8 million increase to purchase new weapons
f) Inflation has shot through the roof with a 20% and will further increase with the proposed 2.5% VAT increase next year
g) And unemployment and poverty is a major issue with 70% of those living in poverty are rural dwellers and it now stands at 38% of the population.

The freedom movement says it's believed the cost of the coup since 2006 is at least $2,000 million plus.

"The illegal reign of Commodore Bainimarama and his cronies has been a total failure and we are asking everyone out there with any sense of human rights, justice and human dignity to come join with the Sydney Fijian Community in protest this Sunday."

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